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Torrey Pines State Beach
Photo by Luis Peraza

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How long do problems take to be resolved? 

Why are street light repairs taking longer than normal? 

How do I close my report? 

How do I request additional refuse, recycle, or greens/ organics containers? 

What's my trash pick up schedule? 

How do I report a missed trash, recycling, or greenery collection? 

What happens when I submit a Homeless Outreach / Encampment report? 

Who should I contact for cases related to individuals experiencing homelessness? What community resources are available? 

How do I report Code Enforcement violations? 

What qualifies as a 72-hour (or abandoned) vehicle violation? 

What happens when I submit a 72-hour vehicle violation report? 

How do I report an issue with a scooter or bike share?